AmigaOS3.5 (443/967)

From:Don Cox
Date:15 May 2000 at 21:05:14
Subject:Re: Block size

Hello Joseph

On 15-May-00, Joseph Duchatelet wrote:
> On 14-May-00, James Hays wrote:
>> Hey all,
>> All this talk about Maxtransfer, Mask, Block size, etcetera, has
>> caused
>> me to want to change the block size of my 20gig hard drive (it has
>> always been slow, and I thought this might help). Okay, so here's the
>> problem, I'm afraid to undertake such a thing because I had so much
>> trouble preparing this drive the first time. The reason for this is a
>> perfect catch 22, I change the hard drive, try to boot from my Syjet,
>> syjet won't boot because the ROM update immediatly causes the system
>> to try to boot the hard drive, remove ROM update from the Syjet, and
>> then I don't have access to the full size of the drive.
>> Is there some easy way around this that I'm missing?
> I am using a Syquest drive and noted something along these lines. I
> did call my harddisk boot partition Sys and was not able from there to
> acces my Syquest drive. I renamed the harddsik boot partition MySys
> and from then was able to boot from my Syquest.

Naming any partition "Sys:" would certainly cause trouble as that is the
logical name of whichever partition you have booted from.


Don Cox

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